Selasa, 22 Desember 2009

christmas day 09

Minggu, 20 Desember 2009


what da #*!!?!???
6,8 SR!!!!
n kita smua teriak ketakutan karena memang parah banget
n u know what, qiqi lagi lagi sedang mndi pas gempa
otomatis nangis lah dia pas dari kluar kamar mandi
kocak juga jadinya...
nah berhubung daripada stress mikirin gempa,
jadilah aku ma pantene pergi latian nari di basement
ga lupa aku telpon xiong2
buat ngajarin aku nari
n then kita latian dulu berdua sambil nunggu xiong2 slese makan
trus gantian aku latian berdua ma xiong2 ampe jem 1/2 1an
karena capek jadinya kita istirahat sambil ngobrol
ga terasa udah jam 3
n u know what,i found some real facts:
1. my biggest phobia is probably "earthquake", soalnya aku pernah ikut quiz n dia bilang aku bakal mati gara2 ketimpa gedung (what da!!!!)
2. qiqi orangnya penakut...hihihihi...
3. persentase aku suka nari n persentase xiong2 kurang lebih sama, karena kita ga bisa idup tanpa nari
4. kalo udah ngobrol ma dia bisa ga inget waktu (dulu dr jm 11 amp3 jam 3, skrg dr jam 1 ampe jam 3 juga
5. oshin kurang disukain orang2 gara2 emosian, n dia pernah coba bunuh diri pake silet
6. xiong2 kayaknya salah jurusan, soalnya dia lebih cocok jadi psikolog ato motivator...
7. i like spending time with him because we have so many similarity...(like my own brother)

Selasa, 08 Desember 2009


so many guilty pleasure THIS month!!
after buying clothes and hat last week
i seduced to buy another clothes, and bag, and SHOES
ooww... how i adore those shoes

Sabtu, 28 November 2009



are u?

Minggu, 22 November 2009

Di balik kisah seorang "PAPA"

Biasanya, bagi seorang anak perempuan yang sudah dewasa, yang sedang bekerja diperantauan, yang ikut suaminya merantau di luar kota atau luar negeri, yang sedang bersekolah atau kuliah jauh dari kedua orang tuanya.....

Akan sering merasa kangen sekali dengan Mamanya.

Lalu bagaimana dengan Papa?

Mungkin karena Mama lebih sering menelepon untuk menanyakan keadaanmu setiap hari,

tapi tahukah kamu, jika ternyata Papa-lah yang mengingatkan Mama untuk menelponmu?

Mungkin dulu sewaktu kamu kecil, Mama-lah yang lebih sering mengajakmu bercerita atau berdongeng,

tapi tahukah kamu, bahwa sepulang Papa bekerja dan dengan wajah lelah Papa selalu menanyakan pada Mama tentang kabarmu dan apa yang kau lakukan seharian?

Pada saat dirimu masih seorang anak perempuan kecil......

Papa biasanya mengajari putri kecilnya naik sepeda.

Dan setelah Papa mengganggapmu bisa, Papa akan melepaskan roda bantu di sepedamu...

Kemudian Mama bilang : "Jangan dulu Papa, jangan dilepas dulu roda bantunya" ,

Mama takut putri manisnya terjatuh lalu terluka....

Tapi sadarkah kamu?

Bahwa Papa dengan yakin akan membiarkanmu, menatapmu, dan menjagamu mengayuh sepeda dengan seksama karena dia tahu putri kecilnya PASTI BISA.

Pada saat kamu menangis merengek meminta boneka atau mainan yang baru, Mama menatapmu iba.

Tetapi Papa akan mengatakan dengan tegas : "Boleh, kita beli nanti, tapi tidak sekarang"

Tahukah kamu, Papa melakukan itu karena Papa tidak ingin kamu menjadi anak yang manja dengan semua tuntutan yang selalu dapat dipenuhi?

Saat kamu sakit pilek, Papa yang terlalu khawatir sampai kadang sedikit membentak dengan berkata :

"Sudah di bilang! kamu jangan minum air dingin!".

Berbeda dengan Mama yang memperhatikan dan menasihatimu dengan lembut.

Ketahuilah, saat itu Papa benar-benar mengkhawatirkan keadaanmu.

Ketika kamu sudah beranjak remaja....

Kamu mulai menuntut pada Papa untuk dapat izin keluar malam, dan Papa bersikap tegas dan mengatakan: "Tidak boleh!".

Tahukah kamu, bahwa Papa melakukan itu untuk menjagamu?

Karena bagi Papa, kamu adalah sesuatu yang sangat - sangat luar biasa berharga..

Setelah itu kamu marah pada Papa, dan masuk ke kamar sambil membanting pintu...

Dan yang datang mengetok pintu dan membujukmu agar tidak marah adalah Mama....

Tahukah kamu, bahwa saat itu Papa memejamkan matanya dan menahan gejolak dalam batinnya,

Bahwa Papa sangat ingin mengikuti keinginanmu, Tapi lagi-lagi dia HARUS menjagamu?

Ketika saat seorang cowok mulai sering menelponmu, atau bahkan datang ke rumah untuk menemuimu, Papa akan memasang wajah paling cool sedunia.... :')

Papa sesekali menguping atau mengintip saat kamu sedang ngobrol berdua di ruang tamu..

Sadarkah kamu, kalau hati Papa merasa cemburu?

Saat kamu mulai lebih dipercaya, dan Papa melonggarkan sedikit peraturan untuk keluar rumah untukmu, kamu akan memaksa untuk melanggar jam malamnya.

Maka yang dilakukan Papa adalah duduk di ruang tamu, dan menunggumu pulang dengan hati yang sangat khawatir...

Dan setelah perasaan khawatir itu berlarut - larut...

Ketika melihat putri kecilnya pulang larut malam hati Papa akan mengeras dan Papa memarahimu.. .

Sadarkah kamu, bahwa ini karena hal yang di sangat ditakuti Papa akan segera datang?

"Bahwa putri kecilnya akan segera pergi meninggalkan Papa"

Setelah lulus SMA, Papa akan sedikit memaksamu untuk menjadi seorang Dokter atau Insinyur.

Ketahuilah, bahwa seluruh paksaan yang dilakukan Papa itu semata - mata hanya karena memikirkan masa depanmu nanti...

Tapi toh Papa tetap tersenyum dan mendukungmu saat pilihanmu tidak sesuai dengan keinginan Papa

Ketika kamu menjadi gadis dewasa....

Dan kamu harus pergi kuliah di kota lain...

Papa harus melepasmu di bandara..

Tahukah kamu bahwa badan Papa terasa kaku untuk memelukmu?

Papa hanya tersenyum sambil memberi nasehat ini - itu, dan menyuruhmu untuk berhati-hati. .

Padahal Papa ingin sekali menangis seperti Mama dan memelukmu erat-erat.

Yang Papa lakukan hanya menghapus sedikit air mata di sudut matanya, dan menepuk pundakmu berkata "Jaga dirimu baik-baik ya sayang".

Papa melakukan itu semua agar kamu KUAT...kuat untuk pergi dan menjadi dewasa.

Disaat kamu butuh uang untuk membiayai uang semester dan kehidupanmu, orang pertama yang mengerutkan kening adalah Papa.

Papa pasti berusaha keras mencari jalan agar anaknya bisa merasa sama dengan teman-temannya yang lain.

Ketika permintaanmu bukan lagi sekedar meminta boneka baru, dan Papa tahu ia tidak bisa memberikan yang kamu inginkan...

Kata-kata yang keluar dari mulut Papa adalah : "Tidak.... Tidak bisa!"

Padahal dalam batin Papa, Ia sangat ingin mengatakan "Iya sayang, nanti Papa belikan untukmu".

Tahukah kamu bahwa pada saat itu Papa merasa gagal membuat anaknya tersenyum?

Saatnya kamu diwisuda sebagai seorang sarjana.

Papa adalah orang pertama yang berdiri dan memberi tepuk tangan untukmu.

Papa akan tersenyum dengan bangga dan puas melihat "putri kecilnya yang tidak manja berhasil tumbuh dewasa, dan telah menjadi seseorang"

Sampai saat seorang teman Lelakimu datang ke rumah dan meminta izin pada Papa untuk mengambilmu darinya.

Papa akan sangat berhati-hati memberikan izin..

Karena Papa tahu.....

Bahwa lelaki itulah yang akan menggantikan posisinya nanti.

Dan akhirnya....

Saat Papa melihatmu duduk di Panggung Pelaminan bersama seseorang Lelaki yang di anggapnya pantas menggantikannya, Papa pun tersenyum bahagia....

Apakah kamu mengetahui, di hari yang bahagia itu Papa pergi kebelakang panggung sebentar, dan menangis?

Papa menangis karena papa sangat berbahagia, kemudian Papa berdoa....

Dalam lirih doanya kepada Tuhan, Papa berkata: "Ya Allah tugasku telah selesai dengan baik....

Putri kecilku yang lucu dan kucintai telah menjadi wanita yang cantik....

Bahagiakanlah ia bersama suaminya..."

Setelah itu Papa hanya bisa menunggu kedatanganmu bersama cucu-cucunya yang sesekali datang untuk menjenguk...

Dengan rambut yang telah dan semakin memutih....

Dan badan serta lengan yang tak lagi kuat untuk menjagamu dari bahaya....

Papa telah menyelesaikan tugasnya....

Papa, Ayah, Bapak, atau Abah kita...

Adalah sosok yang harus selalu terlihat kuat...

Bahkan ketika dia tidak kuat untuk tidak menangis...

Dia harus terlihat tegas bahkan saat dia ingin memanjakanmu. .

Dan dia adalah yang orang pertama yang selalu yakin bahwa "KAMU BISA" dalam segala hal..

So, love your dad while you can :)

Selasa, 03 November 2009

love = chocolate

love is just like a chocolate

it has many different kinds

ada yang manis, dan ada yang pahit

many people just like the sweet one, but don't like the bitter one...

seperti halnya cinta
ada yang manis dan ada yang pahit
tergantung kepada kita
yang mana yang akan kita pilih....

ngomongin coklat, jadi pengen makan ini lagi

kapan-kapan pas pulang makan lagi ah^^

Minggu, 01 November 2009


my friends and my junniors call me a CUTE girl....
SO SHY!!!~~~

Senin, 26 Oktober 2009

A story worth sharing

A story worth sharingA story worth sharing

4 years ago, an accident took my beloved away and very often I wonder, how
does my wife, who is now in the heavenly realm, feel right now? She must be
feeling extremely sad for leaving a husband who is incapable to taking care
of the house and the kid. 'cos that is the exact feeling that I have, as I
feel that I have failed to provide for the physical and emotional needs of
my child, and failed to be the dad and mum for my child.

There was one particular day, when I had an emergency at work. Hence, I had
to leave home whilst my child was still sleeping. So thinking that there was
still rice leftovers, I hastily cooked an egg and left after informing my
sleepy child.

With the double roles, I am often exhausted at work as well as when I am
home. So after a long day, I came home, totally drained of all energy.
So with just a brief hug and kiss for my child, I went straight into the
room, skipping dinner. However, when I jumped into my bed with intention of
just having a well-deserved sleep, all i heard and felt was broken porcelain
and warm liquid! I flipped open my blanket, and there lies the source of the
'problem'... a broken bowl with instant noodles and a mess on the bedsheet
and blanket!

Boy , was I mad! I was so furious that I took a clothes hanger, charged
straight at my child who was happily playing with his toy, and give him a
good spanking! He merely cried but not asking for mercy, except a short

"Dad, I was hungry and there wasn't anymore leftover rice. But you were not
back yet, hence I wanted to cook some instant noodles. But I remembered you
reminding me not to touch or use the gas stove without any adults around,
hence I turned on the shower and used the hot water from the bathroom to
cook the noodles. One is for you and the other is for me. However, I was
afraid that the noodles will turn cold, so I hid it under the blanket to
keep it warm till you return. But I forgot to remind you 'cos I was playing
with my toys...I am sorry Dad..."

At that moment, tears were starting to run down my cheeks...but I didn't
want my son to see his dad crying so I dashed into the bathroom and cried
with the shower head on to mask my cries. After that episode, I went towards
my son to give him a tight hug and applied medication on him, while coaxing
him to sleep. Then, it was time to clear up the mess on the bed. When
everything was done and well past midnight, I passed my son's room, and saw
that he was still crying, not from the pain on his little buttock, but from
looking at the photograph of his beloved mummy.

A year has passed since the episode, I have tried, in this period, to focus
on giving him both the love of his dad and mum, and to attend to most of his
needs. And soon, he is turning seven, and will be graduating from
kindergarten. Fortunately, the incident did not leave a lasting impression
on his childhood memories and he is still happily growing up.

However, not so long ago, I hit my boy again, with much regret. This time,
his kindergarten teacher called, informing me of my son's absence from
school. I took off early from work and went home, expecting him to explain.
But he wasn't to be found, so I went around our house, calling out his name
and eventually found him outside a stationery shop, happily playing computer
games. I was fuming, brought him home and whack the hell out of him. He did
not retaliate, except to say, 'I am sorry, Dad'. But after much probing, I
realized that it was a 'Talent Show' organized by his school and the invite
is for every student's mummy. And that was the reason for his absence as he
has no mummy.....

Few days after the caning, my son came home to tell me, the kindergarten has
recently taught him how to read and write. Since then, he has kept to
himself and stayed in his room to practise his writing, which I am sure,
would make my wife proud, if she was still around. 'cos he makes me proud

Time passes by very quickly, and soon another year has passed. It's winter,
and its Christmas time. Everywhere the christmas spirit is in every
passer-by... Christmas carol s and frantic shoppers.... but alas, my son got
into another trouble. When I was about to knock off from the day's work, the
post office called. Due to the peak season, the post master was also on an
edgy mood. He called to tell me that my son has attempted to post several
letters with no addressee. Although I did make a promise never to hit my son
again, I couldn't help but to hit him as I feel that this child of mine is
really beyond control. Once again, as before, he apologized, ' I'm sorry,
Dad' and no additional reason to explain. I pushed him towards a corner,
went to the post office to collect the letters with no addressee and came
home, and angrily questioned my son on his prank, during this time of the

His answer, amidst his sobbing, was : The letters were for Mummy.

My eyes grew teary, but I tried to control my emotions and continued to ask
him: " But why did u post so many letters, at one time?" My son's
reply was:
"I have been writing to mummy for a long time, but each time I reach out for
the post box, it was too high for me, hence I was not able to post the
letters.. But recently, when I went back to the postbox, I could reach it
and I sent it all at once..."

After hearing this, I was lost. Lost at not knowing what to do, what to

I told my son, " Son, mummy is in the heavenly kingdom, so in future, if you
have anything to tell her, just burn the letter and it will reach mummy.

My son, on hearing this, was much pacified and calm, and soon after, he was
sleeping soundly. On promising that I will burn the letters on his behalf, I
brought the letters outside, but couldnt help opening the letter before they
turn to ash.

And one of the letters broke my heart....

Dear Mummy,

I miss you so much! Today, there was a 'Talent Show' in school, and the
school invited all mothers for the show. But you are not around, so I did
not want to participate as well. I did not tell Dad about it as I was afraid
that Dad would start to cry and miss you all over again. Dad went around
looking for me, but in order to hide my sadness, I sat in front of the
computer and started playing games at one of the shops. Dad was furious, and
he couldnt help it but scolded and hit me, but I did not tell him the real
reason. Mummy, everyday I see Dad missing you and whenever he think of you,
he is so sad and often hide and cry in his room. I think we both miss you
very very much. Too much for our own good I think. But Mummy, I am starting
to forget your face. Can you please appear in my dreams so that I can see
your face and remember you? I heard that if you fall asleep with the
photograph of the person whom you miss, you will see the person in your
dreams. But mummy, why havent you appear?

After reading the letter, I cant stop sobbing. 'cos I can never replace
the irreplaceable gap left behind by my wife....

For the females with children:

Don't do so much overtime. If you cannot finish the work, it must be some
kind of problems within the company, and it is not your sole problem.
Feedback to your boss. Endless overtime may not necessary be the answer to
the problem. Take care of your health so that you can treasure and
take care of your little precious.

For the married men:

Drink less, smoke less, cos nothing can replace your good health, not even
business nor clients. Try thinking this way, are you able to work till your
clients are totally dependent on you? or your boss is totally dependent on
you? In this society, no one is indispensable.

Take care of your health, so that you can take care of your little precious
and your loved ones.

For those singles out there:

Beauty lies in loving yourself first.

With confidence and loving yourself, you will see the beauty in other things
around you. You will be able to work better and happier. Don't let your
health be affected by your work or your boss, so nothing matters more than
your well being.

Life is short!!!! Beautiful Lesson ....

The girl in the picture is Katie Kirkpatrick, she is 21 . Next to her, her fianc�, Nick, 23.
The picture was taken shortly before their wedding ceremony, held on January 11, 2005 in the US .
Katie has terminal cancer and spend hours a day receiving medication.
In the picture, Nick is waiting for her on one of the many sessions of chemo to end.

In spite of all the pain, organ failures, and morphine shots, Katie is going along with her wedding and took care
of every detail. The dress had to be adjusted a few times due to her constant weight loss

An unusual accessory at the party was the oxygen tube that Katie used throughout the ceremony and reception as well.
The other couple in the picture are Nick's parents. Excited to see their son marrying his high school sweetheart.

Katie, in her wheelchair with the oxygen tube, listening to a song from her husband and friends

At the reception, katie had to take a few rests. The pain did not allow her to stand for long periods

Katie died five days after her wedding day. Watching a woman so ill and weak getting married and with a smile on her face makes us think..... Happiness is reachable, no matter how long it lasts. We should stop making our lives complicated.

Life is short

Break the rules

forgive quickly

kiss passionately, love truly

laugh constantly

And never stop smiling

no matter how strange life is

Life is not always the party we expected to be

but as long as we are here, we should smile and be



a journey...

startin with the early saturday when we have a very very busy day,preparing for the school bazaar...

later on, catch the bus to Taipei, and meet some new friends...

early sunday morning, take the MRT and go to Qiao Da

meet some friends, and a really old time friends...

chit chat, and it's time to go...

but, there's always a time to photo....

find a restaurant and have a nice lunch...

it's time to say goodbye, and go shopping...

waiting for the bus to take us back home....

voilla... what a day....

Jumat, 23 Oktober 2009


dari pagi udah bersin-bersin....

jangan-jangan g ALERGI lagi....
my, my...
kayaknya butuh ini deh....


Kamis, 22 Oktober 2009


so so tired today...
pagi pagi udah ikut latihan aerobic...

siangnya belajar ACCOUNTING

lanjut ujian COST ACCOUNTING...

mangstab dah...
gagal deh nonton konser>.<


I did have a very bad night....

last night sih kepengenna bisa jadi "sok sok" an jadi sleeping beauty...

but whatever...
and guest gimana tidur g??

roommate g yang "rada" ngeselin itu malah dengan enakna NGOROK sekenceng kencengna...

habis sudah tidur gue...


tapi ya sutra lah...
untungna pagi pagi ada sinar mentari yang hangaatttttt n nenangin banget...

bersyukur banget masih ada hari ni....^^
mesti always be positive n^^

Rabu, 21 Oktober 2009

i miss u guys....

how i miss u so so much...
my lovely parents...

my brother and (soon) my sister in law...

my man...

my friends...

miss u guys!!!

how i miss this place...

kapan yah bisa ke sana lagi???

my "secret" confession

after buying these 2 beautiful bags
( i love this one sooooo much!! me likey^^)

eventhough i don't really like the colour, but it's still so cute^^

aku tergoda lagi...
begitu ngeliat jaket n.....
it's so me!!!

Minggu, 20 September 2009

10 ways to lose a girl.....

Spoiler for jurus 1:

Spoiler for jurus 2:

Spoiler for jurus 3:

Spoiler for jurus 4:

Spoiler for jurus 5:

Spoiler for jurus 6:

Spoiler for jurus 7:

Spoiler for jurus 8:

Spoiler for jurus 9:

Spoiler for jurus 10:

only one way to lose a guy
Spoiler for jurus :